Stories by Andrew Powell

The questions ANZ businesses need to ask before diving into SaaS
Wed, 13th Mar 2019
rimini street
SaaS drives IT spend in ANZ with promises of lower TCO and easy deployment, but buyers should tread carefully.

There’s a cost to not innovating and the public sector risks paying full price
Wed, 9th Jan 2019
public sector
There may be reasons for public sector agencies in particular to be somewhat reluctant with IT innovation spend.

Cloud is confusing, deliberately
Mon, 5th Feb 2018
cloud services
Major software vendors like Oracle and SAP are pushing cloud solutions, but the term's overuse creates confusion, disadvantaging customers.

How CIOs are redefining business models
Mon, 27th Feb 2017
rimini street
This shift has occurred after many years where IT was simply viewed as a cost-centre, and the role of the CIO was mostly confined to the IT silo.