Aussie companies ahead of the curve when it comes to digital transformation
Findings of Mulesoft's 2017 Connectivity Benchmark Report on digital transformation initiatives and the business impact of APIs have just been released. The report reveals that Australian companies are ahead of the curve compared to other countries surveyed when it comes to delivering on digital transformation initiatives.
In Australia, 95% of respondents report they have already made "some" or "significant" progress towards their company's digital transformation goals.
However, despite strong progress, many Australian IT decision makers (ITDMs) are still struggling to close the daunting IT delivery gap.
One of the big challenges highlighted by the Australian respondents is the integration of siloed applications and data.
Other challenges include business and IT misalignment and inefficiencies from "recreating the wheel" with each new line-of-business project.
To complete digital transformation projects more quickly, ITDMs in Australia are turning to legacy modernisation and building and managing APIs.
"This report supports a number of our market observations," says Jonathan Stern, regional vice president of Australia and New Zealand, MuleSoft.
"Most specifically, whilst Australian businesses made promising progress on their digital transformation journey in 2016, ahead of their global colleagues and competitors, they still have a considerable way to go to accomplish their business' digital goals," he explains.
"Secondly, it's clear that organisations who've adopted an API-led connectivity approach are delivering products to both internal and external customers far faster than previously. It's also unarguable that these faster delivery cycles are a necessity to bridge the IT delivery gap and to harness digital forces."