Exclusive offer to help accelerate digital business automation
Digital automation is a hot topic for businesses all around the world at the moment.
Companies are increasingly challenged with delivering digital services faster than ever before. This need for speed has driven companies to shorten the time for delivering the applications that power modern digital services
Public cloud providers have innovated to provide services that allow provisioning of platform and infrastructure in virtually a single-click operation with unmatched scalability and flexibility.
With infrastructure provisioning down to minutes, companies are now looking for ways to achieve the same level of agility to install and configure applications that need to run on the cloud platform.
Enter stage left, Komputer Kraft Consulting (KKC) and BMC, partners since 1999.
KKC director, Grant Scurrah says BMC's Control-M can be installed and configured in minutes on leading public cloud platforms, including Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure.
"Essentially, Control-M is a digital enterprise management solution that simplifies and automates diverse batch application workloads while reducing failure rates, improving SLAs, and accelerating application deployment," Scurrah says.
"With fast and easy provisioning of Control-M, companies can benefit from the economies of scale offered by cloud platforms and increase speed and agility to meet business demands. "
Control-M provides unmatched workflow automation, lowering operating costs and increasing application deployment speed. Users of the solution get full Control-M capabilities in addition to the elasticity, scalability and high availability on leading cloud platforms.
And now KKC has an exclusive offering that is certainly too good to pass up.
"Until the end of January 2017, KKC is able to offer significant discounts on all new licenses and 30% discount on all standard consultancy rates," Scurrah says. "If your company has a need to automate and has budget – please contact our office to discuss this offer.
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