GitHub makes its Developer Program free to all users
GitHub has made its Developer Progam free to all of its 19 million users, allowing developers worldwide to use the global web-based platform for their software.
GitHub previously restricted development access in its Developer Program through a paywall, however three years after its initial launch the company decided to reinforce its commitment to users, the company says.
The company says its platform has been the launching pad for developers, applications and ideas on the platform - from testing new applications to growing the biggest businesses.
The new Developer Program has also introduced participation levels with 'perks' from GitHub and its partners, such as CircleCI, SRC:CLR and GitPrime.
GitHub Enterprise is able to provide development licenses to help organisations build and scale. It has 17,000 global developers on board already.
"Depending on the size of your user base, you'll be placed into one of three levels. For each group, we've made a set of benefits, resources, and tools available to help you advance to the next stage of development. If you're already a member of the GitHub Developer Program, you'll get an email with information about your level and available benefits," the company explains in a blog.
The first participation level is for beginners or for those who need help. It provides tools to learn more about GitHub API and provides access to the integrator community.
The second level is for those who have launched a successful app. It includes level 1 benefits as well as GitHub credits and network discounts.
The third level is for those who have maintained apps and are now thinking about how to grow their business. Members take advantage of level 1 and 2 benefits, GPD member spotlights and consulting services for successful scaling.
Those already participating in the Developer Program do not to take any action as they will receive an email with details of their participation level and perks. New subscribers can join on the company's website.