IWD 2024: The human-AI synergy: Pioneering unity
In a world where technology is rapidly influencing our decisions and the idea that robots are beginning to take over our lives, there is an often overlooked element – the human touch and how we connect with one another.
At Threadicated, an online personal fashion styling platform, we are combining the power of artificial intelligence (AI) with the experience of a personal stylist. This collaboration of technology and human creativity has resulted in a more accurate, personalised, and cost-effective styling experience that is accessible to everyone equally.
But before I go any further, let me address a vital question: Can AI completely replace humans in business? No, it cannot. AI is definitely cool, but humans improve it.
Threadicated's story began with a mission to bring joy and confidence into people's lives through personalised fashion style, regardless of location, size, gender or budget. Like all start-ups and fashion outfits, there have been hits and misses. These misses were a bonus, they highlighted the limitation of being human.
While I always pride myself on my dedication to my clients, I am only one person. It would be impossible for me to ingest and grasp everything about the best personal style, fabrics, and cuts for every single body, no matter how hard I tried.
It was when considering this problem that I realised there was a way to combine human and machine intelligence to enhance the user experience. At Thredicated, we established the appropriate foundation to construct an AI partner based on the expertise of stylists blended with thousands of client preferences by listening to users, gathering data, and utilising feedback.
Now, unfortunately, this was not a straightforward journey. However, throughout it all, the most pivotal role has been and will continue to be the humans behind the AI – our accredited and expert team of fashion stylists.
Yes, AI can take over 50k products in a blink of an eye, consider millions of garment features, and compare them to the client's preferences to eliminate 99% and generate 1% that the client may like. But our human stylists then come in and decide from that 1% what to send the client. This is the human element of Threadicated that creates the understanding, empathy and connection that AI cannot mimic.
Human intelligence combined with AI computational power is redefining what is possible in every industry, not just fashion. Consider this integration in healthcare, education, and other industries - a future in which AI's data-crunching prowess complements human expertise. A future in which it enhances our ability to solve more complex issues more quickly and accurately.
This is not a choice between humans and AI; rather, it is a celebration of what we can accomplish together. It is about creating a future in which technology and people complement one another, fostering empathy, inclusivity, and ethics. The power to shape this future lies with each of us.
Let us envision and actively build a future where technology and humanity work together to create a brighter, more inclusive society.
I am excited to pave a more accessible fashion revolution where humans and AI cohabit as partners, pushing the limits of what we can accomplish together. As this relationship evolves, one thing is certain: the possibilities of human-AI synergies are just getting started.