The role of CIO is undergoing a major change
At the recent Adobe Symposium event, TechDay had the opportunity to sit in on some interesting keynotes, the opening keynote being one of the best in my opinion.
During this keynote, TechDay had the opportunity to hear Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen speak about hyperscale data.
TechDay also had the opportunity to sit in on Adobe EVP Brad Rencher's talk about the role of the CIO and digital transformation.
The below video showcases some of the highlights from this keynote.
For a more detailed summary on what was showcased during this keynote read on below the video.
First off we heard Adobe CEO Shantanu Narayen discuss why content intelligence is important.
He explains that a deep understanding of content is key to being able to generate content for the masses.
He then moves on the explain how Adobe is putting content and data to work at hyperscale to deliver consistent and exceptional experiences.
The next point Narayen touches on is Enterprise architecture.
He explains that it is key for enterprise architecture to be built for action in order to deliver innovative solutions and experiences.
Narayen then concludes his talk and introduces EVP Brad Rencher.
Rencher opens his talk by discussing the re-emergence of the CIO and the role they play.
He explains that the CIO is now playing a much bigger role in customer experience and he suggests that IT teams need to start working closely with other departments within an organisation.
Rencher suggests that this is the most effective way to undergo unified digital transformation.
Rencher concludes his talk by discussing ERP and CRM systems and why they are no longer enough for most forward-looking enterprises.