Stories by Andrew White

Gartner: The battle for the cloud has not even started yet
Wed, 27th Sep 2017
Andrew White has an interesting framework to look at the battle for the cloud today and where he thinks it will go in the not too distant future.

Comparing master data management with application data management
Mon, 20th Mar 2017
data management
analyst report
Gartner Analysts delve into MDM vs. ADM, unravelling the complexities of data governance from tactical perspectives.

The continuous subtleties of data privacy and security
Wed, 8th Feb 2017
data protection
data analytics
Global data privacy muddle dissected in FT's latest Comment piece, spotlighting the legal labyrinth across borders.

Gartner on the challenges of artificial intelligence
Wed, 7th Dec 2016
data analytics
If you don’t own the data or rights to that data, no amount of fancy algorithm or application will win. You need access to the vastness & variety.

Tech boom creates too few jobs – and the point is?
Mon, 17th Oct 2016
it industry
it careers
The outcome is clear: though tech-driven growth has recovered, it seems that growth has been delivered at a lower level of employment.

What to do? A little ERP? A little IOT? A little big data? Who Know...Who Cares?
Mon, 5th Sep 2016
data analytics
Amid a tech investment muddle, is IT truly firing up productivity or just a shot in the dark? Let's disentangle the ROI riddle.

Gartner opinion: Are we more productive? – the final conundrum
Mon, 22nd Aug 2016
it professionals
analyst report
Owning or using a smart phone to do your email in bed is not being more productive; it just increase output at the same rate and ruins many things.

Microsoft targets mother of all professional people master data with LinkedIn buy
Wed, 15th Jun 2016
analyst report
So you saw the announcement: Microsoft to acquire LinkedIn for over $26bn. Our team were contemplating the meaning of the deal.

Looking at Health IT: When integration isn’t enough
Wed, 15th Jun 2016
analyst report
information governance
EHR adoption in US hospitals is high, but lack of interoperability and excess costs hamper progress. #HealthIT #EHR.

The hype and misunderstanding surrounding analytics
Tue, 5th Apr 2016
data analytics
The hype related to analytic technologies and vendors continues unabated. It seems that investors are still pushing up prices of analytic vendors.

Data and analytic topics on the minds of CIOs
Thu, 25th Feb 2016
analyst report
information governance
I had the good fortune to be present (and presenting) at our US CIO Leadership Forum in Phoenix, Arizona this week.