Cognitive systems: the next wave
Applications based on cognitive systems are the next wave of technology, according to researchers at IDC.
Cognitive research lead analyst and research director Dave Schubmehl says that while the adoption and use of many of the technologies making up cognitive systems have been in place for several years, the emergence of cognitive software platforms and cognitively enabled applications has happened only recently.
Schubmehl says cognitive systems in general are early in their adoption life cycle.
In addition, the application of cognitive technologies can range from the mundane (smarter games) to transformational (predicting and preventing money laundering and fraud), he says/
IDC groups the technologies necessary to build cognitively enabled applications into five main categories:
- User/data interaction
- Knowledge representation
- Learning
- Reasoning
- Processing
"Intelligent applications based on artificial intelligence, deep learning, and cognitive systems are the next wave of technology, transforming how consumers and enterprises work, learn, and play," explains Schubmehl.
"In this IDC TechScape, we identify the key technologies enabling this new category of applications, categorise the relative impact of technologies, and provide insight into how technologies should be deployed.
"Technology and services providers can use this study to build a more effective road map to the future of how consumers and workers will be affected."
The new IDC report, IDC TechScape: Cognitive System Technologies, 2016, focuses on technology adoption for organisations that are considering how best to automate and augment knowledge work via the use of cognitive systems technologies, Schubmehl says.
It assesses key technologies that are driving evolution beyond the current industry technology best practices.
"Besides looking more deeply at individual technologies, the study considers technology-specific analyst insights regarding the anticipated rate of adoption, potential risks impacting future success, and industry market interest.