Australians embrace collaboration tools through COVID-19 lockdown
Ninety eight percent of Australians are using a work management platform, messaging app or video conferencing, as more workers move to remote working due to COVID-19 restrictions.
A new survey from Asana, the Anatomy of Work: Remote Teams study, delivers insights into how global employees have adapted to new remote work protocols. It has revealed Australia's high level of collaboration tool adoption, with 64% of Australian workers relying on collaboration tools more since transitioning to remote work - the second highest of all countries surveyed after Germany.
The results show Australian workers are craving connection to colleagues the most, with 80% of respondents saying they miss interacting in-person with their teammates on a daily basis - the highest of all countries surveyed.
Asana says despite their physical distance, over 75% reflect that their manager has been supportive in managing and communicating goals - the second highest country surveyed after the U.S.
Additionally, 80% of Australian workers who have school aged children are currently balancing homeschooling their kids alongside their usual workload and more than 55% of parents are starting work early or finishing later in order to homeschool.
Globally, one in five employees are using collaboration technologies for the first time as companies navigate new ways to stay organised and connected through the crisis.
The survey found nearly two-thirds (62%) of full-time knowledge workers have increased their use of collaboration tools since working from home.
Thirty precent of employees using a work management platform feel more supported by their manager versus 17% not using a work management platform, while 55% of employees using a work management platform say their productivity has increased versus 35% not using a work management platform.
The rapid transition to working from home was challenging for many employees with over half (53%) lacking a dedicated desk, PC/laptop or reliable internet connection, according to the research.
The survey found nearly 60% of global employees are working different hours since shifting to remote work, with 53% taking more breaks throughout the day, 32% starting their working day earlier, and 28% are working later in the evening.
Additional findings highlight the geographical differences in the current global environment:
- Almost one-quarter (24%) of U.S. employees are using collaboration tools for the first time, compared to the global average of 19%.
- 85% of workers in the U.K. with school-aged children are balancing childcare and full-time work - the highest of all surveyed countries.
- While 80% of Australian employees miss the social side of work, 76% say their manager has been more supportive than ever.
- Only 29% of German employees have maintained their former work schedule with nearly 40% working later in the evening, compared to the global average of 28%.
- 43% of Japanese respondents are having fewer meetings - the highest across all surveyed countries.
- Around the world, the top three challenges of remote work are:
- Staying motivated
- Stress about the current economic and health crisis
- An inability to switch off and disconnect