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Four ways AI can boost contact centre agent performance and improve customer service

Fri, 2nd Aug 2024

As the use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools within contact centres continues to increase, attention is shifting to the implications this has for humans.

Some observers have expressed concern that, as the capabilities of the tools grow, they will be able to supplant human agents altogether. Customers calling into a contact centre will be able to interact with highly intelligent 'bots' that can answer any questions they have and provide them with the information or services they seek.

Reality, however, is somewhat different. While the tools are indeed quickly becoming more sophisticated and powerful, their most effective use is as an augmentation of human capabilities rather than a replacement.

Working alongside agents, AI can provide timely, practical support in four key ways. They are:

1. Real-time guidance:
Rather than having to rely on standardised scripts when dealing with callers, agents can be presented with tailored suggestions generated by the AI tool in real time. The tool can scan records of previous interactions to allow the agent to have more context about the call.

AI tools can also search for and obtain relevant information to support the agent. For example, if the caller is seeking technical details on a particular product, the tool can find the relevant data and display it on the agent's screen.
2. Sentiment analysis:
Imagine a scenario where an agent receives a call from a frustrated customer who recently had a negative experience. Traditionally, the agent would need to assess the situation, identify the issue, and then formulate a response. AI can transform this process.

By listening to the call and analysing past interactions, the AI tool can suggest the most appropriate answers in real-time, prompting the agent with the right words to de-escalate the situation and address the customer's concerns effectively.

For example, if the AI tool detects anger in the customer's voice and identifies a previous service issue, it might prompt the agent with a script that acknowledges the customer's frustration and expresses empathy. It could also suggest offering an apology and outlining a clear path to resolution.

This, in turn, empowers the agent to deliver a more personalised and professional response, leading to a more positive outcome for the customer.

AI goes beyond suggesting specific phrases. It can analyse the call and gauge the customer's sentiment – happy, frustrated, or confused. Based on this analysis, the AI can adjust its prompts for the agent.

3. Automating repetitive tasks:
Contact centres often involve repetitive tasks like data entry and order processing. These can be time-consuming for agents, diverting their focus from more complex customer interactions. AI tools can automate these tasks, significantly improving agent efficiency.

Imagine a customer calling to request a new credit card. Traditionally, the agent would need to manually input the customer's details into the system, however AI can streamline this process. By listening to the call and capturing relevant information like the customer's name and date of birth in real-time, the AI can automatically populate the system.

This frees up the agent's time to focus on answering the customer's questions and addressing any specific needs they may have, leading to a faster resolution and a more streamlined customer experience.

4. Summarising interactions:
Contact centres can often struggle with call wait times and post-call documentation, and AI can significantly improve both these areas.

After each interaction, AI can automatically summarise the call, capturing key points and the resolution reached. This eliminates the need for agents to spend additional time writing lengthy reports, thereby allowing them to take the next call more quickly.

Additionally, AI can categorise calls based on the nature of the inquiry - complaint, product information, order placement - allowing for better data analysis and future service improvements.
This translates to further reductions in call wait times for customers and improved overall efficiency for the contact centre.

Key business benefits
The integration of AI in contact centres offers significant benefits for all stakeholders. Contact centre operators can experience significant productivity gains, managing more calls without increasing staff.

Agents can enjoy less stress, higher job satisfaction through reduced workloads, and more engaging interactions. Meanwhile, customers benefit from faster call resolutions, a more personalised experience, and improved understanding from agents.

Putting AI to Work
To reap the benefits of AI, contact centre operators need to partner with technology experts who understand these tools and their integration with existing infrastructure. Implementing AI requires careful planning and seamless integration to create a powerful and user-friendly platform.
Investing in AI is an investment in the future of customer service. By partnering with AI, contact centres can empower agents, streamline operations, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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