Stories by Craig Stewart

Metadata: What is it, and why is it critical to business?
Thu, 5th Aug 2021
data management
Rather than being ignored as a by-product of their IT estate, businesses should make sure metadata is on their radar, writes
SnapLogic CTO Craig Stewart.

ETL vs ELT — What, when and why
Tue, 29th Jun 2021
data warehousing
data lake
There are many variables to consider when deciding to move data into a database with either the ETL or ELT method, writes SnapLogic CTO Craig Stewart.

Automation – A shield against disruption
Fri, 18th Jun 2021
it automation
cloud services
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, 48% of IT leaders accelerated automation to cut costs, boost customer satisfaction, and drive productivity, reports SnapLogic.

Standardisation versus specialisation: transforming the way business integrates data
Thu, 13th May 2021
cloud migration
cloud management
Enterprises now have a vast amount of choice in terms of cloud platforms. But should they take a standardised approach to adoption, or a specialised one?.

Speed isn’t everything: why quality data is more important than fast data
Wed, 10th Mar 2021
digital transformation
data management
Organizations must prioritize data quality over speed to avoid making damaging decisions based on inaccurate data, says new report.

Do you trust your data to make decisions in your business?
Fri, 29th Jan 2021
data analytics
The adoption of data-driven technology is at an all-time high, but 77% of IT decision-makers do not trust their data, according to research by SnapLogic.